Open source music hardware projects
This list of open source music hardware projects includes brands or projects relative to electro-music where schematics and firmaware are open-source. However it also includes projects which are not fully open source hardware as defined by the Open Source Hardware Association.
Audio equipment
- AX84, a variety of music electronics projects.
- Aurora, music mixer for DJ's
Electronic music
- Monome
- O0SCC – controller that communicates via the open sound control protocol.
- Open Pipe
- OpenPipe
- Vectr 3D Sensing Controller
- MIDIbox – The MIDIbox project is an open-source modular DIY hardware and software platform for MIDI devices like controllers, synthesizers, sequencers
- MIDIsense
Synthesizers and modules
- Adafruit Industries, has more than just the x0xb0x
- Arduino-eurorack-projects
- awesome eurorack open-source, community-curated list of awesome eurorack diy and opensource projects
- Barton Musical Circuits
- Bastl Instruments
- Befaco
- Circuit Abbey G8 clock divider
- Collidoscope
- Constructive Synthesis Mentor, Teensy based polyphonic synth for learning the basics on
- Creative Technologies (CTAG), a group of Kiel University of Applied Sciences and external collaborators whose focus includes sound synthesis electronics
- deanm1278 on GitHub, various mostly Arduino
- DSO138 Oscilloscope Eurorack Mount
- eChanter
- ElectroTechnique TSynth, Teensy based polyphonic synth
- Erica Synths DIY Eurorack Modules
- Futur3soundz XFM2
- Giters: eurorack-diy, synth diy, etc.
- GMSN! - archived. See JoeEarlam/GMSNPure, an attempt to collate all GMSN's OS designs since it went offline.
- HackMe
- Hansy1010
- Infinite Machinery
- JoyfulNoise Tiny Utility Board
- Lush Projects LushOne
- Mad Science Lab SSM1
- MeeBlip
- MiDispositivoMIDI
- GuinGuin Instruments MME, (DIY MiniMoog clone)
- Modular Synthesizer
- musicdevghost Open Source eurorack modules, GitHub
- Music Thing Modular
- Mutable Instruments
- Nickajeglin Eurorack-pcbs
- One Bit Groove Box
-, Open Source music design hardware and software
- Open NSynth Super
- OTTO - multi-track synth/sampler/sequencer/groovebox
- Quinienl
- Polykit
- PreenFM
- rafaelmartins/eurorack
- RealSIDShield, an Arduino shield to use a MOS Technology 6581/8580 SID to play .SID files.
- SynthTech-E951
- TubeOhm Jeannie, Teensy based polyphonic synth
- Winterbloom
- xnotox on GitHub
- Zoybar
- Zynthian
Drum machines
- Rebel Technology Stoicheia
- Lötklaus Pro – an Arduino based sequencer
Microcontroller based
- Arduinome
- ArduTouch, an Arduino-compatible music synthesizer kit.
- Bela, BeagleBone based audio platform and sensor processing
- Goom, based on the NXP LPC1343, multi-timbral polyphonic synthesizer
- Nic Newdigate
- Adafruit Industries
- Zoybar social network
Tools & test equipment
- DSO Nano, a a pocket size digital storage oscilloscope.
See also
External links
- Open Modules for Open Minds – Open Software and Hardware in the Modular World
- Shared projects, OSH Park
- "Awesome Open Source Synthesizers" list on Github
- DIY synths, a collection of DIY-friendly open-source hardware synthesizers and related musical equipment.