Schematics and manuals
Schematics and any useful Synth DIY web page goes here. If a link is dead, you might find the site preserved on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
- Analogue Realities
- Amsynths With the famous EMU modular schemas
- Barton Musical Circuits
- Bastl-instruments
- Befaco Eurorack Synth
- Birthofasynth Thomas Henry and Scott Stites Designs
- Carlo64 KiCad projects
- manuals archive, on Internet Archive
- Cloned Analog Gear
- Clsound modularsynth
- deep! Sonic
- DIY Stompbox designs
- Do-It-Yourself Electronic Projects (scroll down to find this)
- Doepfer DIY Simple circuits, an easy way to start.
- Eddy
- EFM files at Fonitronik Synth DIY
- E-music DIY archive
- Electricnoodlebox
- Electronics and Books
- Erica-synths diy
- Fitzgreyve A very active person with many interesting projects
- Fonitronik Synth DIY
- HackMe
- Hagiwo
- Haraldwerk
- Ian Fritz
- Ixtern Triple ADSR Trident (Eurorack Project)
- JonDent
- Kaputtpanzer A few basics Eurorack modules with gerber files
- Ken Stone's CGS website archived
- Maffez Some new and some synth mods
- Mitxela The home of the reverse oscilloscope
- Music From Outer Space (aka MFOS)
- Music Thing Modular
- Mutable Instruments
- Next Generation Formant
- Neon tube circuits A "Wahou Project"
- Northcoastsynthesis
- Osamu Hoshuyama's website
- Omsynth project 3 Casper Electronics and Bastl instruments
- Ozoe In french
- Papareil Synth Labs
- preenfm2
- PCB/Schematic Quick Reference at
- Rebel Technology
- Schematics Vault at or at the wiki
- Service Manuals & Schematics for vintage electronic musical instruments at
- Sfcs.neocities Very Good DIY Stuff :)
- Shedsynth Handmade modular synth
- Simplesizer at
- Skullandcircuits
- Spad Electronics
- Steiner Documentation at Analoguerealities, more than 4.6 gb of CC-by-SA Nyle Steiner schematics and other documents.
- Synthacks Sharing some weird pieces of circuitry.
- Synthesizer Manuals at
- Synthesizer Manuals Collection at, includes service manuals
- Synthesizer Schematics and Manuals
- Synthfool:Docs
- Synthnerd
- In French, some pcb available
- The Free Infomation Society collection of audio electronic circuit schematics
- The Snowfields collection of manuals and schematics
- Unusual Synthesizer Circuits
See also
- List of synth DIY repositories
- Synth DIY books
- Datasheet
- Magazines
- Category:Magazine SDIY articles indexes
- Online resources
- Videos
- Patents
External links
- Which brands provide schematics?, Mod Wiggler Forum, Jul 2022
- How to choose replacement for bipolar transistor