Radio Electronics magazine SDIY articles index

Articles relevant to synth DIY that were published in the USA magazine Radio Electronics magazine:

Month Year Article name Author PPNo Classification Key components Comments Corrections On Web
Sep 1970 Digisyntone - new music synthesizer F. B. Maynard 47 Synth Electronotes 11 World Radio History
May 1973 Build a modular electronic synthesizer John Simonton 38 Synth PAiA.comWorld Radio History
Jun 1973 Build a modular electronic synthesizer John Simonton 56 Synth PAiA.comWorld Radio History
Jul 1973 Build a modular electronic synthesizer John Simonton 46 Synth PAiA.comWorld Radio History
Sep 1973 Build a modular electronic synthesizer John Simonton 53 Synth PAiA.comWorld Radio History
Oct 1973 Build a modular electronic synthesizer John Simonton 62 Synth PAiA.comWorld Radio History
Dec 1983 How To Design Analog Filter Circuits Mannie Horowitz 81 Information
May 1989 Working with Op-amps Ray Marston 54 Information
Aug 1989 Musical Instrument Digital Interface John Simonton & Marshal M. Rosenthal 33 Information
Mar 1992 MIDI interface for your PC John Simonton 33 MIDI 6850
Dec 1992 The versatile 555 Ray M. Marston 62 Information
Feb 1996 Build this Theremin John Simonton 53 World Radio History
Mar 1996 Build this Theremin John Simonton 43 World Radio History