CGS Carlsbro flanger

The CGS Carlsbro flanger is a rebodied Carlsbro flanger. The bypass footswitch has been replaced with a standard toggle. The other controls are:
- input volume (added to suit synthesizer signal levels)
- speed
- depth
- color (feedback level)
- invert (positive or negative feedback)
Ken stone produced the panel, including drawing the girl in the background, like any of the other panels he has done. Start out as a 200dpi Photoshop image in full color. They are printed to paper on a Canon CL900 color photocopier, then laminated or covered with clear contact. The paper is then stuck to the pre-drilled aluminum panel and the holes cut out with a #11 hobby knife.
A negative 9 volt regulator had to be wired up to power it (center of photo), as the circuit used the battery positive as the jack ground.
The color (feedback) trimmer was tweaked to give more punch, as the factory setting was rather weak. The trimmer had its wiper soldered in position to prevent tampering! Another note of interest is that the unit makes use of a home grown Vactrol made by encapsulating a Fresnel lens style LED and a photocell in heatshrink tubing (right side of PCB below cutout).
Readers are permitted to construct these circuits for their own personal use only. Ken Stone retains all rights to his work.
See also
Flanger by Ken Stone, 1999, with permission of the author - archived