Nuts & Volts SDIY articles index

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Articles relevant to synth DIY that were published in the USA magazine Nuts & Volts:

Month Year Article name Author PPNo Classification Key components Comments Corrections On Web
Dec 1997 Build Your Own MIDI-to-Synthesizer Interface Thomas Henry 52 MIDI
Jan 1998 Power Supplies for Electronic Music Thomas Henry 7 Power
Dec 1998 Secrets of Making Attractive Rack Panels Thomas Henry 75 Information
Nov 1999 Build a Tunable Noise Generator Thomas Henry 25 Synth
Apr 2003 Understanding and Using OTA Op-Amps Ray Marston 58 Information
May 2003 Understanding and Using OTA Op-Amps – Part 2 Ray Marston 70 Information
Jan 2006 Analog Music Synthesizers Thomas Henry 57 Information
Mar 2006 Build the Sound Lab Mini-Synth Sound Synthesizer Ray Wilson 44 Synth
March 2008 The 21st Century Electric Guitar Edward B. Driscoll Jr. 72 Music
February 2009 Makin' MIDI with MistralXG Steve Russell 44 Synth Yamaha DB50XG Part 1
March 2009 Makin' MIDI with MistralXG Steve Russell 40 Synth Yamaha DB50XG Part 2


  • Compiled from the original magazines