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Patents are also useful for their descriptions of some musical instrument circuits and the approaches the designers took which may not be described to the same extent by other publications, although the variety of patent laws between countries can lead to contradictory information.[1][2]

How patents work

A patent is the granting of exclusive rights to a novel product or process which must be disclosed to the public in a patent application. These rights lasts for twenty years but only in the country in which the patent has been filed and granted.[3] "For most individuals and small scale startups, any involvement with the patent system is almost guaranteed to cause a net loss of time, money, and sanity."[4]

Cloning vintage gear

If you clone a circuit for distribution your PCB artwork and schematic will have to be different to the original.

  • Novel circuits can be patented but not copyrighted.
  • Schematics and PCB artwork can be copyrighted

See also


  1. ^ ARP patent reviews collated by J. Donald Tillman, September 2007
  2. ^ Patents and Copyrights, Synth-diy mailing list, 23 May 2000
  3. ^ Patents, World Intellectual Property Organization
  4. ^ Patent Avoidance Library, Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair

Further reading

External links

Specific patents

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