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*[http://midibox.org/forums/topic/8127-put-waveblaster-daughter-board-yamaha-db50xg-in-a-box/ Put Waveblaster daughter board (Yamaha DB50XG) in a box?] thread on Midibox.org forum
*[http://www.joebrown.org.uk/wp/?p=3124 Make a Yamaha Synth for less than £25.00]
*Yamaha DB50XG stand alone soundcard by [[Thorsten Klose]],<ref>[http://midibox.org/forums/topic/1004-programming-functions-into-the-mios/?p=6065 Programming functions into the MIOS]</ref> Elektor Electronics, July 1997
*[http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/MIDImal-285418.html MIDImal] Wavetable-Board als MIDI-Expander by Frank Popp, Carsten Meyer, c't magazine, January 1997
*[http://www.grapevyne.com/pic.projects/html/mistralxg.htm MistralXG] by Steve Russel, Nuts & Volts February and March 2009
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