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== Wavetable synthesis is not sample playback ==
In the 1990s, companies like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mu_Systems E-mu Systems], and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Technology Creative Technology] marketed their "PCM sample playback" or "[[Rompler|ROMpler]]" technology, andwhich manyinvolves otherplaying manufacturersback pre-recorded samples stored in ROM, usedas "Wavetable synthesis." (manipulatingTraditionally, shortwavetable cyclessynthesis ofinvolves waveforms)manipulating forsingle marketingcycle whenwaveforms theyto wouldgenerate havesounds. beenThis moremarketing technicallyapproach correctled to havesome usedconfusion, "PCMas samplethe playback"technologies orare "[[Rompler|ROMpler]]"fundamentally (playingdifferent backin recordedtheir soundssound fromgeneration ROM)methods.
== Wavetable synths ==
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