PCB and kit suppliers
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A list of companies and individuals that have PCBs or kits for sale.
Forums where PCBs are made available
- DIY Hardware and Software at electro-music.com
- Music Tech DIY, Mod Wiggler forum
Modular synth modules
- 3U-Shop diy kits, parts, synths
- 4ms PCBs and Euro module kits.
- AI Synthesis PCB and kits
- amazingsynth.com PCB and front panel
- AMSynths PCBs
- Barton Musical Circuits PCBs
- Befaco, an open hardware platform focusing on professional DIY musical hardware
- Blacet Research, kits for Blacet modules, see also photos documenting a build
- Was Bridechamber PCBs, MOTM/dotcom Panels, Hard-to-get parts (This business has now closed and all stock transfered to synthcube).
- Carcar.altervista MFOS and others redesign in kicad6, GERBER inside
- Circuit Abbey No more kits available
- Cosmic Instruments Cheap eurorack modules, but no more kits available
- Craig Lee Sound Design, 4U PCBs
- Dhaillant Pcb and panel
- Elby Designs PCBs, kits, euro panels
- Electric Music Store, Mostly Buchla PCBs and panels
- Electro-Music.com store from the forum, but now close
- Electrosmith The home of daisy, build complex effects, massive loopers, and powerful sound sources on a single board.
- eMiZ Instruments Archived, the shop is closed
- Eurorackhardware Some kits and SDIY parts
- Exploding Shed DIY kits, modules & parts
- Falafular PCBs, panels
- FEEDBACK Modules Modules, kits and pcb
- Fitzgreyve Pcb and front panel
- Fluxmonkey merch, PCBs
- Fonik PCBs
- Free modular Open source modules, kits,PCB and GERBER
- Frequency Central PCBs, panels
- Gurugarasynth or Guru Gara Synth, PCB and front panel
- GMSN! – archived
- GMSN New website
- Haraldswerk Pcb and front panel
- Hexinverter PCBs & Kits
- Infinite Machinery, integrated cicuits and components for the DIY audio community.
- Isaacbeers Pcb, front panel and full kit
- Ixtern Gerber files
- Kassutronic Pcb and front panel
- Ljunggren Audio Archived
- Look Mum No Computer Website of Sam battle : schemas, pcb, modules, Kosmo Format (a little eurorack)
- LushProjects Synth projects, and LushOne synth a mini modular
- Maffez Pcb, modules and GERBER
- Magic Smoke Electronics PCBs, parts
- Mattson Mini Modular Assembled MMM PCBs
- Modular Addict Shop with, modules, psb, panel, and kits
- ModularSquare has a few kits
- ModWiggler - DIY Gerber Eurorack Module It is a thread where some good GERBER files are shared
- Mono Tale Virtual instruments and samples
- Munichen Audio Pcb, Panels, parts, kits and tools
- Music From Outer Space PCBs
- Neil's Webbly World PCBs
- Nonlinearcircuits, PCB and front Panel and modules
- Northcoastsynthesis Kit and modules
- Oakley PCBs
- Oddvolt Panel, pcb and parts
- Ozoe PCBs, In french
- PAIA kits for PAIA modules
- Papareil Synth Labs PCBs
- Pharmasonic Archived
- PMFoundations PCBs and panel
- Polykit Cheap kits from Berlin
- Pusherman Pcb, Panels, parts and kits
- Random*Source Pcb, Panels and kits
- Razmasynth, Eurorack module kits
- Re:Synthesis dotcom panels
- Rebeltech Open Harware modules
- Seismic Industries Modules
- Skullandcircuits PCB and front Panel and modules
- Somethingmodular Full kit, and pcb/panel and assembled
- Sonic Potions Modules and kits
- Soundtronics, UK and Europe home of the MFOS Analogue Synth
- Sourcery Sourcery is the home of "Modular In A Week" Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@KristianBlasol
- St-modular Pcb and front panel
- SSSR Labs Modules, kits and accessories
- Steiner Synthasystem Project PCBs
- SynthCube synth DIY kits, panels and parts
- Synthesis Technology, Eurorack Modules, but MOTM products are no longer available
- Tellun PCBs
- Tesseractmodular PCBs, panel, kits and modules
- Thonk PCBs, kits, euro panels, hardware and components
- Tindie/DIY electronics/synths
- TubeOhm All the sales will be discontinued from 01.01.2025
- UK-electronic Pedals, kit, parts and tools
- Useless.blue/ NIce and easy Arcade Switch Button
- Vladimir Pantelic Musikelektronik Modules
- Winterbloom Modules, kits and accessories
- Woody's Electronics Kits
Standalone Synths
- Cassetone How to build a cassette Mellotron
- Doepfer DIY Synth
- Drone Lab
- E-licktronic
- MeeBlip
- Rockit
- Shmoergh
- Shruthi
- The Two Thousand Six Hundred project (TTSH)
Mixed bag
- BuildInstruments.com Archived
- Open Music Labs Website from Guest the famous user on modWiggler
- Sixty Four Pixels
- Rakit, fun, noisy electronic kit projects at affordable prices for a range of ages and skill levels.
- Tindie:Sound
- Bbob Drake – fluxmonkey