Elektor polyphonic synthesiser

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The Elektor polyphonic synthesizer was a design published in Elektor magazine from October 1981 to July/August 1982, based on Curtis ICs.


The synthesiser design is an expansion of the monophonic Elektor new synthesiser, with a Z80-A CPU to scan the keyboard and to store preset sounds. It can have up to ten voices each consisting of one or two VCO modules, one combined VCF/VCA module and one dual ADSR module. The design of a compatible digital oscillator was published in June 1985.[1]

List of articles

Issue Month Year Article name Author PPNo Key components Corrections
078 Oct 1981 Synthesiser IC's H. P. Baumann 10-18
080 Dec 1981 The new synthesiser - The VCO module Not Given 12-39 2 x CEM3340
081 Jan 1982 Combined VCF/VCA module Not Given 1-22 CEM3320, CA3080
082 Feb 1982 Dual ADSR and LFO/noise modules Not Given 2-24 2 x CEM3310
083 Mar 1982 Polyphonic synthesiser Not Given 3-51
085 May 1982 Polyphonic synthesiser Not Given 5-17
085 May 1982 Z80-A CPU card U.Goetz and R. Mester 5-28 Z80, 2114 RAM Jul/Aug 82, 8-02
086 Jun 1982 The 'poly' bus Not Given 6-36
087/088 Jul/Aug 1982 Output unit and keysoft for polyformant Not Given 7-92 ZN426 Sep82,9-53
122 Jun 1985 Digital oscillators Not Given 6-54


See also


  1. ^ Elektor magazine from October 1981 to March 1985.
  2. ^ Compiled by Mike Gorman from the original magazines.

External links

  • Scans of Elektor at Archive.org
  • Scans of Elektor at World Radio History

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