Sound Semiconductor Inc
Sound Semiconductor Inc. (SSI) was founded by Dan Parks of CruzTOOLS Inc, in California in December 2018.[1]
- SSI2130 VCO
- SSI2131 VCO
- SSI2140 Multi-mode VCF
- SSI2144 Low-pass VCF
- SSI2161 VCA
- SSI2162 Dual VCA
- SSI2164 Quad VCA
Synthesizers using SSI ICs
- BugBrand 2130 VCO - 1 SSI2130
- Circuit Abbey Liquidus
- Doepfer A-105-4 Quad Poly VCF
- Dreadbox Nymphes - SSI2130, SSI2144
- Gotharman dual SSI2140 VCF for Tiny LD - 2 SSI2140
- Gotharman PolySpaze - 12 SSI2144
- Gotharman SpazeBoard2 for LD3 - 12 SSI2144
- Gotharman SpazeDrum Black - 8 SSI2140
- Gotharman SpazeDrum Blue - 8 SSI2144
- Gotharman VCF8 - 6 SSI2144
- Gotharman VCF10 - 2 SSI2140
- Isla Instruments S2400 - SSI2144
- LA 67 MACA Filter - SSI2140
- LA 67 T-ZED Oscillator - 1 SSI2130
- Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Rev 4 - SSI2140
- Sequential Circuits Prophet X - SSI2144
- Sequential Circuits Take 5 - SSI2140
- Skagmo Polynorth - 6 SSI2144
- UDO Audio Super 6 - SSI2144
- UNO Synth Pro - SSI2144
DIY projects
- Circuit Abbey SSI2144 VCF
- Forest Caver TZFM VCO - 1 SSI2130
- Forest Caver AJH SSI2144 - 1 SSI2144
- Kijimi - 8 SSI2140
- Mutable Instruments Blinds - 2 SSI2164
- Mutable Instruments Frames - 1 SSI2164
- Mutable Instruments Ripples - 1 SSI2164
- Mutable Instruments Shelves - 3 SSI2164
- Mutable Instruments Streams - 2 SSI2164
- Mutable Instruments Veils - 2 SSI2164
- Synsi VCO Deux - 1 SSI2130
- Nonlinearcircuits FM OP - 1 SSI2130
- Amazing Synth SSI2130 VCO - 1 SSI2130
See also
- ^ California Secretary of State.
External links
- Sound Semiconductor website.
- Rossum Electro-Music
- Five Questions: Dan Parks - Revisiting classic technology for new analog synths by Sarah Jones, 29 Nov. 2017
- SSM chip production to return as SSI chips under Sound Semiconductor, Matrixsynth, 20 April 2017
- Dave Rossum and Dan Parks interview with Erik Norlander, YouTube
- mprosk/ssi_symbols, KiCad schematic symbol library for SSI ICs, GitHub
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