Thomas Henry

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Thomas Henry of Mankato, MN, USA is the respected author of many electro-music designs with works appearing in books and publications such as Electronotes, Polyphony, Radio Electronics, Nuts & Volts etc.


He helped form and played guitar with the East Side Pharaohs for around eighteen years. Becoming interested in guitar effects and electronic music synthesizers, in 1981 he took a job as an Audio Specialist at the School of Music, University of Iowa and started building an analog synth. He later finished a MA. in mathematics, and then taught both mathematics and computing at colleges and universities in Minnesota, USA. Together with Jerry Hagen he founded Midwest Analog Products, which he closed in 2005 to teach full-time. He retired in 2013.[1][2][3]

Selected works on electronic music


  • Build a Better Music Synthesizer, Tab Books, 1987, 167 pages, ISBN 0-8306-0255-0
Project Page no. Key components
Deluxe VCO 57 CEM3340
A Four-Pole Lowpass VCF 65 SSM2040
A Dual VCA 73 CEM3330
A One-Chip ADSR 80 SSM2056
The Supercontroller 85 SN76477
A Digital Keyboard 97 CMOS logic
The Potpourri Module 111 TL084 quad op-amp
A Quadrature Function Generator 116 TL084 quad op-amp
A Balanced Modulator 124 3080 OTA
The Power Supply 131 7815, 7915, 7805
Project Page no. Key components
Power supply 2 7815,7915,7805
ADSR envelope generator 4 555, 4016 quad CMOS switch
XR VCO 7 XR-2206 function generator
LM VCO 11 LM13700 dual OTA
State variable VCF and VCA 15 SSM2164 quad VCA
LFO deluxe 18 8038 function generator, 555, 3080 OTA, 4016 quad CMOS switch
Sample and hold 22 op-amp based
VC noise source 25 4015 CMOS shift register, 4046 phase locked loop
VC phase shifter 29 LM13700 dual OTA
Patchover scheme 32 no ICs, a scheme for socket normalisation

Papers and articles


Article name Publication Issue PPNo Key components Corrections Comments On Web
Case Histories: Procedures to Follow When Troubleshooting Effects Device Volume 1:4-79 13-14 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 7-8
Modifying the EH Electric Mistress Device Volume 1:5-79 1-3,8 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 9-12
Adding Series-Parallel to the EH Big Muff Pi Deluxe Device Volume 1:7-79 5-7 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 13-15
Modification Tips / New Lamps for Old Device Volume 1:8-79 3-4 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 16-17
Build this Complementary Output LFO Polyphony September/October 1979 36-37 wiki, Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 58-59
Electronic Music Circuit Design: Second Order Butterworth Filters Device Volume 1:10-79 11-13 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 18-20
Stalking the SAD-1024 Device Volume 1:12-79 1, 7, 16 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 21-23
A Balanced Modulator Application of VCA Chips Electronotes Volume 12, Number 119, November 1980 3-7 CEM3330 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 29-33
Two Hints on Using the CEM-3340 VCO IC Electronotes Volume 13, Number 121, January 1981 13-16
Making Rack Panels Electronotes Volume 13, Number 122, February 1981 5-9 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 29-33
A Function Generator with 'Quadrature' Triangle Outputs Electronotes Volume 13, Number 122, February 1981 13-20 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 34-41
Rhythm Generation: It's About Time... Polyphony March/April 1981 22-25, 32 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 60-64
Tricks with the SN76477, part one Polyphony May/June 1981 10-12 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 65-67
Tricks with the SN76477, part two Polyphony July/August 1981 16, 17 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 68-69
More on the SN76477-The Super Controller Polyphony September/October 1981 28-32 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 70-74,
VCO Deluxe Polyphony Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 76-78
Electronic-Music Generator Retriggers Waveforms Electronics November 30, 1981 115 Pro Audio Design Forum
VCA's: Think Simple Polyphony January/February 1982 16, 17, 26 CEM3330 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 80-82
Tri-Colored LED Indicates Voltage Peaks Electronotes Volume 14, Number 134, February 1982 17-19 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 42-44
ADSR The Easy Way Polyphony March/April 1982 22, 23, 30, 31 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 84-88
Conductive Foam Forms Reliable Pressure Sensor Electronics May 19, 1982 161, 163
Low-Key Digital Keyboard Electronotes Volume 14, Number 138, June 1982 2-10
The PAL Filter Polyphony May/August 1982 16, 17, 30 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 88-90
The Snare+ Drum Voice Polyphony September/October 1982 28-31 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 92-95
Build the PGS Lowpass Voltage Controlled Filter Common Mode January 1983, Number 1 10-15 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 1-6
Low-Frequency VCO Gives Exponential Response Electronics January 13, 1983 168-169 Pro Audio Design Forum
Patch-Over Scheme for a Small Synthesizer System Polyphony February 1983 26, 27, 46 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 96-98
My Favorite Transistor Circuits Polyphony April 1983 26-28 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 99-101
Music Synthesizer IC's Radio Electronics May 1983 65-68, 104 Electronics and, World Radio
A One Chip ADSR Polyphony June 1983 30-32 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 102-104
Double Rectification Refines Envelope Extractor Electronics July 28, 1983 131
How to Use Transconductance Operational Amplifiers Radio Electronics July 1983 55-58
Micro Drums, part one Polyphony August 1983 32-35 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1,]
Micro Drums, part two Polyphony October 1983 18-21 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 110-113
Modifying the EKx-40 VCO Polyphony December 1983 32-34 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 114-116
Build a Quadrature Function Generator Polyphony February 1984 26, 27, 30 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 117-119
Easy Firing ADSR Polyphony April 1984 14, 15, 18 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 120-122
Build Your Own Digital-to-Analog Converter Keyboard Volume 10, Number 6, Issue 98, June 1984 64-67
Build a Synthesizer Delay Line Polyphony June 1984 30-35 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 124-129
Meet the SN94281 Electronotes Volume 14, Number 147-150, Special Issue B 1, 2, 12, 32-34 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 45-49
Build a Precision Controller Clock Electronotes May/June 1984, Special Issue E 11-17 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 50-57, 300 DPI version correct for layout etching, Electronotes
The Hi-Hat and Percusive Voice Polyphony August 1984 16-21 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 130-135
Synthesizer Phase Shifter Polyphony October 1984 14-17 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 136-139
Build an Electric Drum Pad Polyphony December 1984 20-23 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 140-143,
Build a Voltage-Controlled State Variable Filter Polyphony April 1985 8-11, 13 CEM3330 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 148-152
Superseque: A Full Featured Analog Sequencer Electronic Musician June 1985 26-30, 46 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 149-154
Do-It-Yourself Rack Enclosures Electronic Musician September 1985 39-41 Electronic Music Circuits: The Reprints, Vol 1, 155-157
Fun with UARTs Electronic Musician January 1986 42, 43, 45, 46
The RS-232 Drummer Electronic Musician February 1986 38-40, 42
Build a High Frequency VCO Electronic Musician March 1986 52-55
SONIC: Synthesizer-Organ Novel Interface Circuit Electronic Musician May 1986 52-55
Panel Fillers Electronic Musician June 1986 70, 71
The Mini-Controller, Part 1 Electronic Musician October 1986 66-69
The Mini-Controller, Part 2 Electronic Musician March 1987 79-81
Build a Bipolar Power Supply Electronic Musician November 1987 94-98
LED Bar Graph Peak Detector Electronic Musician April 1988 80, 82-83
The Smooth Phaser Electronic Musician June 1988 78, 80-83
The One Chip 'MIDI Computer: Meet the 68705 Electronic Musician April, 1989 72-75
MIDI-to-Trigger Converter Electronic Musician June 1989 58, 60, 62-70
The Connection: a 4-Voice MIDI-to-Analog Synthesizer Interface Electronic Musician July 1989 84, 86-90, 92-96, 98-101
Two-Chip Project: The 'Noisebuster' for Sequencer Metronomes Electronic Musician November 1989 68, 69
Build the Studio Amplifier for Guitar Electronic Musician December 1989 88, 90-96
How to Make Your Projects Look Great Electronic Musician July 1990 20-22, 25, 26
Build the ADV-Snare: An Analog Drum Voice for Percussive Musical Effects Nuts & Volts July 1996 71-75 co-authored with Jack Orman
Build the ADV-Bass Nuts & Volts November 1996 56-59 co-authored with Jack Orman
A Do-It-Yourself Sound Blaster 16 to MIDI Interface Nuts & Volts April 1997 41-43
Build the MOD BOX Electronics Now May 1997 45-49, 60 Electronics/90s/1997/EN-1997-07.pdf Electronics Now, July 1997, p. 7 co-authored with Jack Orman Electronics/90s/1997/EN-1997-07.pdf World Radio
Add MIDI to Your Electronic Drums! Nuts & Volts October 1997 62-67
Build Your Own MIDI-to-Synthesizer Interface Nuts & Volts December 1997 52-56 Nuts & Volts
Power Supplies for Electronic Music Nuts & Volts January 1998 7-11 Nuts & Volts
Secrets of Making Attractive Rack Panels Nuts & Volts December 1998 72-75 Nuts & Volts
Audio Design with Op-Amps Nuts & Volts October 1999 29-33
Build a Tunable Noise Generator Nuts & Volts November 1999 25-27 Nuts & Volts
Clangora Percussion Synth Nuts & Volts November 2003 44-51 NE570, NE566 Nuts & Volts, March 2004, p. 6 PCB layout and panel, no schematic
Analog Music Synthesizers Nuts & Volts January 2006 57-63 Nuts & Volts,
Streamline Your Home Studio with a Sound Card Switcher Nuts & Volts July 2012 42-45 front panel design,
Build a MIDI-to-Logic Controller the Easy Way! Nuts & Volts October 2012 32-38 PICAXE 28X2 Nuts & Volts,
The Sirius Metronome for the Serious Musician Nuts & Volts January 2013 32-39 Nuts & Volts,
Hotrod Your Electric Guitar with Active Tone Controls Nuts & Volts October 2014 29-33 further ideas in Nuts & Volts Nov. 2014 pp. 7, 72, 73 Nuts & Volts, PCB layout
A MIDI Controlled Analog Synthesizer on a Shoestring Nuts & Volts April 2016 32-36 Electronics and Books .com, code and PCB layout


At Thomas Henry projects,




  1. ^ "About Magic Smoke Electronics". Archived from the original on 2013-02-27. Retrieved 2017-10-21.
  2. ^ "About Midwest Analog Products". Archived from the original on 2004-10-12. Retrieved 2004-10-12.
  3. ^ Thomas Henry
  4. ^ More recent list of published works by Thomas Henry
  5. ^ "Published Papers and Articles of Thomas Henry". Archived from the original on 2003-05-02. Retrieved 2003-05-02.

External links

